



1.常规问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening, how are you? How have you been?

2.确认客户信息:Can you please confirm your address/phone number/etc.?

3.跟进产品信息:Have you received the product samples? Did you have a chance to try them out?

4.确认订单状态:Can you please confirm the status of my order?

5.请求反馈:Can you please provide feedback on the product/service?

6.提供帮助:Is there anything I can assist you with?

7.邀请客户参观工厂:Would you like to visit our factory?

8.提醒付款:Please remember to make the payment by the due date.

9.提供技术支持:If you have any technical issues, please don't hesitate to contact us.

10.确认客户需求:Can you please confirm your specific requirements for the product/service?

11.跟进会议安排:Can you please confirm the date and time for the meeting?

12.提供优惠信息:We have a special offer for our loyal customers. Would you like to take advantage of it?

13.确认交货日期:Can you please confirm the date for delivery?

14.跟进付款进度:Can you please provide an update on your payment progress?

15.提醒客户重要事项:Don't forget about the upcoming deadline for the order.

